In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.
Proverbs 16:9
Men's Fellowship Breakfast
Join our St. Christopher Men every other Sunday of the month for faith, food, and fellowship.
When: 9:30am
Where: Skipper's Cafe - Clear Lake Shores
Are you one of God’s gifted people? Of course you are! God created each and every one of us uniquely, giving us innate talents, spiritual gifts and numerous other attributes. The Apostle Paul’s letters to the early churches go into some significant detail about the importance of our spiritual gifts and the role they play in equipping each one of us for ministry. There are also other references throughout scripture about spiritual gifts. Exactly what are they and how do they apply to us as believers?
Are you curious about the spiritual gifts God has given you? Maybe you would like an opportunity to reaffirm or uncover spiritual gifts that you believe are emerging as new? Fr. Jim Nelson and members of the Invite Welcome Connect team will be offering a Spiritual Gifts Workshop on Saturday, January 11, 2025, from 9-noon in Buckner Hall. It will be a highly engaging and even entertaining way to dive into personal discovery about spiritual gifts. To register for this event click here or find a sign up sheet outside of the Formation Center and Buckner Hall.
Celebration of Faith & Service
St. Christopher’s has been a visible sign of God’s Presence in League City for 70 years. We think that is worth celebrating, so 2025 is our year of JUBILEE. Look for exciting things to come in 2025!
OCT 26 Trunk or Treat
OCT 27 Annual Parish Meeting & Potluck
NOV 24 Pie Swap & Family Advent Wreath Making
NOV 27-29 Parish Office Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday
DEC 8 St. Nicholas Sunday @ 10:30 a.m. Services
DEC 14 Women of St. Christopher Ornament Exchange
DEC15 Parish Cookie Exchange
DEC 15 Children & Family Photos in Sanctuary
DEC 15 Lessons & Carols Service @ 10:30 a.m. in Sanctuary
DEC 22 Youth Holiday Party
DEC 24 Christmas Eve Services
4:00 p.m. Contemporary Family Service
8:00 p.m. Rite II Traditional Choral Mass
DEC 25 Christmas Day Service - Traditional Rite II - no music
DEC 24-25 Parish Office Closed - Christmas Holiday
DEC 30- JAN 1 Parish Office Closed - New Year's Holiday
JAN 5 Adult Christian Education - Navajo "Winter Stories"
JAN 11 Spiritual Gifts Workshop
To view our full calendar, please click here.
Our Calendar is changing very quickly during this time. If you are concerned about a particular event, please contact the facilitator of the group or the church office at (281) 332-5553. For information regarding our worship schedule during this time, visit .
If you would like to add an event to the calendar, please contact the Parish Administrator.