Hurricane Update - Letter from the Rector
Dear St. Christopher Family,
I write to you this evening to update you on several things.
Our Flock: We are a resilient bunch! I have spoken to many of you and heard your stories of the last 72 hours. Your courage and strength are inspiring!
The Need: We are still assessing the great need of our congregation. Several families have taken on water, and some have lost everything. As the waters recede, I will call on the congregation to mobilize and reach out to those who will need help with cleanup efforts.
Our Community: The needs remain great, and will for months to come. Many served at Clear Creek High School today. Most in that shelter are now being evacuated to GRB in Houston or flown to a shelter in Dallas. Those who remain will be in need. As those needs become known, we will let you know how you can help. Bay Harbour UMC is another shelter in League City. They are in need of volunteers on their campus. If anyone is available, and can safely maneuver the streets, all you need to do is show up and they will put you to work. We will continue to respond and keep you informed as the needs come to light.
Our Church Campus: We suffered moderate water damage. The administration wing received the most damage, as several offices, the conference room, and the prayer room took on water. The narthex also saw significant water. There were other minor water issues on different parts of the campus. Several people helped start the cleanup today, and I could not be more grateful! We have already been in touch with Church Insurance and started the claims process. As we learn more, we will keep you informed.
What Can You Do: I've had dozens of conversations over the last 48 hours with people desperate to help, and feeling hopeless not knowing what to do. I share your hunger to reach out. For now, the greatest gift you can give to others is to check in with one another, check in with your neighbor, serve when opportunities are presented, stay safe and rested... your energy and health will be crucial to the recovery of our community in the weeks, months, and years to come.
Moving forward: One day at a time! As it stands today, we will have services this Sunday, though the schedule may be altered a bit. We will communicate via eblasts, Facebook, the website, and text messages.
Now, brothers and sisters, do not lose hope. The work moving forward is and will be difficult, unending, and exhausting. Yet we know who walks with us. We know who shows us the way. We know who comforts us in our time of need. We know who strengthens us in our time of weakness.
God our Father, in Christ Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is the light that illuminates our path. He will guide our feet. He will restore all things. In this time of unimaginable pain, loss, uncertainty, and need, never forget that God holds us and loves us. So pray for each other. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Dickinson, Houston, La Porte, Rockport, Port Isabel, Corpus Christi, and throughout the entire area. Pray with confidence that God is with us and never abandons us. Pray these words from Jon Foreman's song "House of God Forever."
God is my shepherd
I won't be wanting
I won't be wanting
He makes me rest in fields of green with quiet streams
Even though I walk through the valley of death and dying
I will not fear 'cause you are with me
You are with me
Your shepherd staff Comforts me You are my feast in the presence of enemy Surely goodness Will follow me Follow me In the house of God, forever
In Christ,
Fr. Brian+