Checking In
Brothers and Sisters,

On this first day of our temporary separation from one another, I write to you to offer you a few bits of information that will hopefully help us remain connected with each other: 1. During the suspension of our common life together, I will be offering a daily reflection via email and Facebook. 2. The vestry will be meeting tomorrow night to discuss our new temporary reality. We will be discussing additional ways we can remain connected during this time. 3. I have heard from many of you asking how you can help our parishioners in need. The best way you can care for and love each other during this uncertain time is to reach out to our members by phone. As the needs of others are made know to me, I will communicate those needs to the church. Likewise, if you hear of needs among our members or of the community, please call the church and let me know. 4. Many of you worshiped this morning by watching services on-line. I'm in conversation with our worship leaders to offer something similar next Sunday. As soon as we have plans in place, we will communicate those plans to you. 5. If you have a need, pastoral or otherwise, please call the church at 281-332-5553, extension 305, or email me directly at We are still here to serve you. 6. Though our campus is shut down for the next two weeks, please, as you are able, stay current with your pledge. Your staff is still working, and expenses still must be fulfilled. You can submit your pledge in the mail to the church, or online here
Finally, as a reflection for this afternoon, I offer to you the Collect for today, this Third Sunday in Lent: Almighty God, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves: Keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Rest well and God's peace be with you this night! Faithfully, Fr. Brian+